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Crestview AFG will not be meeting Dec 24th or 31rst due to the holidays. Meetings will resume Jan 7th. 


 Hi all,  Many of our Groups have had to make temporary changes to their meeting arrangements due to current health concerns. If your group contact is listed below, you are invited to contact them to hear what protective measures they are taking. Please be safe out there, we're family after all...

Girls On The Gulf AFG                  Beth                    850 428 1679

Fort Walton Beach AFG               Vickie                   850-543-9854

One Purpose AFG                          Catherine            205 245 2198

Saturday Serenity AFG                 Aneita                  850 499 3096

Beginners How It Works AFG      Eileen                  334 558 2124

Crestview AFG                                Mark                   850 585 0857

Destin AFG                                      Angie                  850 612 0383 

Daytime AFG                         

Bluewater Bay AFG                        Cecilia                  928 247 7208

TGIF                                                 Shari                     850 830 8018

 Let It Begin With Me                    Suzie at                 850 758 1321

- The Thursday noon meeting of the Daytime AFG has an on-going book study

    Thurs, Location: First Baptist Church, 21 First Street SE in FWB

- Next District Meeting 
               Location: First Presbyterian Church, Classroom 1
                       134 Beal pkwy, Fort Walton Beach
- See Available Fliers below


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This is information telling you what Al-Anon is and what it is not. Also, it has a little info regarding what happens in our meetings.

This is simply a list of meetings in District 15, Okaloosa/Walton County, FL.

Upcoming activities in the district, i.e., Alkathons, public outreach and workshops

Here you will find links to World Service, Area and other district websites as they become known.

A reprinted article from this months Forum magazine.